
Some Troughs

The one with Primulas and Gentiana, showed already many times:

Another trough with a new plant purchased this spring:

Arabis blepharophylla
This one is with Lewisia pygmaea, Lewisia tweedyi and Sempervivum montanum:

And the newest and fondest at present (also for the smell)

Trough with Daphne sericea

This one is named Rosimtál, recollecting a nice place in the Ortler mountain region. That place is the Rosim Tal (Rosim Valley), and tál (pronounced tal) in Hungarian means plate or even trough. In Rosim Tal are growing many Daphne striata and in June the air is filled with its beautiful smell.

And finally, not an alpine but I hope it will flower all summer on the balcony. The faded flowers drop off, so I will have to collect them all summer :)

Nemesia sp.

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