
Some Are Coming, Some Are Going

Still there are some which will flower later. But the coming summer will bring for our garden more and more less flowers :( OK, not yet time for crying.
The Gentiana and Primula flowers are over.
The Androsace pubescens flowers are still nice and just blooming the Androsace villosa and the Dryas octopetala – this one only with 4 flowers... Picture maybe next time. They live in the trough in the garden.
The Lewisia cotyledons have nice buds:

And the  Dodecatheon

It is just opening the fist flower of the plant which seeds came as  Aquilegia scopulorum. And I am quite sure now that it is NOT A. scopulorum. It is larger (30 cm leaves and 47 cm flower stalks), and the flower is pure white. Yet I love it, so it deserves a photo:

Later suggested a friend that this is maybe Aquilegia coerulea.

And finally an Iris flower. This plant had never flowered for us until now. It lives in a cast-off "Römertopf" (a crock pot from the kitchen), together with Sedum dasyphyllum and Colchicum arenarium. The pot is shallow (10 cm?), the compost very sandy and I water it very rare: in spring once a week, in summer only once in a fortnight. The colchicum flowers in autumn, now it has leaves.

Iris 'Knick Knack', Sempervivum calcareum, Sedum dasyphyllum

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