
Buds and Offsets-4

Draba parnassica

Ginkgo biloba – it lives in a pot
The cicatrices of last years' leaves (many years) make it look like a cone.

Saxifraga 'Leonardo da Vinci'
It will flower the first time for us, I even don't know how its flowers look. There are pictures of this plant neither on the net, nor in my Saxifraga books.

Tulipa dasystemon
I got 5 bulbs about 3 years ago. Two died last winter, but three are thriving in a miniature rock garden with Androsace sarmentosa, Sedum sieboldii and Lewisia cotyledon. I have never repotted these bulbs, but every year give them a fertilizer with NPK: 14-7-21 after flowernig. Last year I showed them when flowering.

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