
Primulaceae and Others

Some members of the Primulaceae family are just flowering. Here are together:

Primula marginata, Primula rosea, Primula elatior

And in the center the three large buds of the Gentiana clusii are waiting for more warmth to open. Alas the Primula flowers will not wait for them.
And another member of the Primulaceae:

Androsace vitaliana (the newest name as I know)
We have this plant for about 5 years. It wanted very much to die at the beginning. Then last summer it decided to live and made nice foliage and also some flowers. Now it has many buds and is fighting for living place with a Dryas octopetala. I think I will help the Androsace :-)

Not Primulaceae, but Ranunculaceae:

Ranunculus alpestris
I sowed the seeds collected somewhere around the Austrian Totesgebirge in the autumn 2008. They germinated in spring 2009, but only 3 seedlings are alive. These are thriving in a trough placed in the garden and survived the winter without covering. I hope for more flowers next spring. Yes, they have to survive another winter, and a Budapestean SUMMER until then...

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